Shipping Calculator Instructions:
To accurately calculate the shipping cost, please follow the following instructions:
1. Select the country you want to ship from and to.
2. If you only know the actual weight of the shipment in kilograms, please enter it and ignore the other options.
3. If you know both the actual weight and the dimensions of the package, please enter them accurately.
Note: If the volumetric weight is greater than the actual weight, the volumetric weight will be used to calculate the cost.
How to calculate the volumetric weight:
Please refer to the following example:
Width: 50Length: 50Height: 60
Multiply the width, length, and height, and then divide the result by 5000.
50 × 50 × 60 ÷ 5000 = 30 KG
This shows us that the volumetric weight of the shipment is 30 kilograms.